Monday, June 23

22/23 June E70 'The Atlantic Road'

Due to the quite wet and cold weather for the last two days we have just taken it easy, dawdling our way along the West coast, baking and fishing……

 On Sunday 21st we drove straight through Kristiansund because quite frankly the weather was just too bad to get out of the van and the city is really an industrial centre for fish processing and oil exploration.  After leaving the city we went under the sea in the ‘Atlantic Tunnel’!  Then we drove along the Atlantic Road and parked up half way along!  Sat in the rain for a few hours…..then went fishing (it would be rude not to!).  However all we caught we loads of small Coalfish which were too small to land and one big fat mackerel (Katy caught that one) so we had fried mackerel and broccoli pasta for tea!

The weather continued to be windy and cold but did at least stay (mostly) dry in the afternoon.  On Monday, the weather improved and we cycled the entire length of the ‘Atlantic road’ first East and then West (remember were were parked up in the middle!).

The road consists of 8 bridges connecting 17 islets between Vevang and the Island of Averøya.  It is one of Norway’s ‘National Tourist Routes’ which are chosen for their scenic beauty (the Guardian Newspaper once crowned it ‘The best road trip in the World’!)

This photo is at the ‘East’ end of the road….


The ‘main’ and biggest bridge halfway along….


It’s quite a pedal up….


Kate with the ‘East’ side behind….


Grahame with the ‘West’ side behind….


Our night stop was well sheltered from the cold North wind, and the pedestrian footpaths over the smaller bridge are provided for fishing (however it’s a long way down to the water)


After this we are on our way to the ‘Troll Ladder’ (Google it!)


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