On Wednesay we stopped on Andøya on the North West coast on our way to Andenes in the North. This photo is of course in bright daylight taken at around 4pm
and so was this one (these are to provide a reference point)
Before we set out on our ‘night walk’ Katy cooked a lovely apple cake which we tucked onto with lashings of Crème Fraiche…. :)
Our first view of the midnight sun…….taken just after midnight!
see how it just stays bright….
Grahame pointing to the sun in case Katy wasn’t sure where it is!
Compare this one to the ‘reference photo’…..this one was taken at half past midnight…(notice how the colours are now warmer and less defined, but still plenty of light)
and again, warm colours on this one compared to the ‘reference photo’ this one was taken at around 00:45
This is at one o’clock in the morning and shows the sun at its lowest point on the horizon
If you turn your head to the right and look at these you might see the same ‘face’ in side profile that we saw (there are two if you have the imagination!)
Way past Kate's bedtime (01:00) but very bright (that’s the light not Katy haha)
And finally…… on our return from our walk in the midnight sun we could not resist taking this photo of Wolfy and our two long shadows….
The midnight sun is truly fantastic and something we shall remember forever….
EDIT: I forgot to say that the temperature yesterday reached 26c……yes……26c! and we have now managed to see 7 Sea Eagles but the photo’s are not good enough to post :(
Today it is only a cool 24c haha………….but we do know that in 4 days time the colder (and wetter?) weather will return :(
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